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How to find final expense insurance with Dementia or Alzheimer’s

How to Find Final Expense Insurance with Dementia or Alzheimer’s

People with dementia or Alzheimer’s need care. Ignoring the issues can cause other various diseases, leading to increased expenses. It is crucial to find a final expense insurance for people with dementia to reduce the financial burden.

If you want to find a final expense insurance for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s, you are in the right place. This website helps people to secure coverage with ease.

Stick to this guide to navigate burial insurance for patients with dementia. This guide will also explain the best insurers for Alzheimer’s patients.  

What Is Dementia?

Dementia is not just one disease. It is a term for many diseases that affect cognitive thinking. People with dementia cannot perform daily activities. They need assistance with their activities. 

Dementia occurs in older people. This syndrome is rarely found in young people. People over 65 are more prone to develop this syndrome. Millions of people suffer from dementia, leading to cause death. The patients cannot control their emotions. They lose their thinking, reasoning and remembering functions.

Additionally, dementia impacts the physical, social and mental health of an individual. It also affects the people around them. Families are the most affected ones.

Causes of Dementia

Dementia is not caused by one factor but by many. The key factors that enhance the risk of developing this syndrome are:

  • Depression
  • Age
  • Hypertension 
  • Too much consumption of alcohol 
  • Smoking 
  • Lack of physical activities 
  • Diabetes 
  • Social isolation

Symptoms of dementia

  • Not recognizing family or friends
  • Change in behavior 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Becoming aggressive 
  • Losing control over the bladder
  • Memory loss
Final Expense Insurance

Burial Insurance Dementia

Individuals with dementia need proper care. When the syndrome gets severe, it may cause other medical issues too. The patients may need hospital care, leading to an increase the expenses. The expenses can put a financial burden on the loved ones of the patient.

In such a situation, it would be best to buy a final expense insurance dementia. It is also called dementia life insurance as well. This life insurance is the best way to protect your loved ones from financial burdens. Burial insurance is a life insurance that covers your medical expenses. Additionally, it can cover your funeral and burial insurance.

Dementia patients need medical attention. However, covering the medical bills can be challenging. To cover the medical bills, you can use the final expense insurance. Since it covers your medical and legal bills, your loved ones do not have to pay from their pockets.

What is Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia. It is the most common form of dementia. The nerve cells grow abnormally in Alzheimer’s patients. They start to deposit protein. This abnormal deposition of protein changes behavior of the nerve cells. Eventually the frontal lobe of the brain degenerates.

People over 70 are at high risk of developing this disease. Their brain loses the ability to communicate well. Also, people with Alzheimer’s cannot concentrate on basic activities. It is crucial to treat the syndrome before it’s too late.

Symptoms of Alzheimer

  • Memory loss 
  • Dressing and undressing become difficult
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Lack reasoning skills 
  • Asks questions repeatedly

Alzheimer’s Final Expense Insurance

Just like Dementia, the expenses of Alzheimer’s are numerous. When it gets serious, you may need hospital care. The good news is that you can cover these expenses with Alzheimer’s final expense insurance. Also, if you want residential care, the expenses, Alzheimer’s disease insurance covers it too.

Besides, this type of life insurance covers your burial and funeral costs. It is a special life insurance that includes patients with Alzheimer’s. It covers their end-of-life expenses. It provides guaranteed acceptance to the applicants. 

There are various policies for various applicants. For instance, if you are a senior with Alzheimer’s disease, then you should apply for a guaranteed issue policy.

Guaranteed Issue Policy

If you have dementia or Alzheimer’s, then guaranteed issue life insurance is best for you.  It is the only way to secure final expense insurance.

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a life insurance that covers your end-of-life expenses. You do not have to worry about your health status. It accepts the applicants even though they have any health issues. Acceptance is guaranteed.

Moreover, there is a 2-year waiting period. You get your premium back if you die in the first year of the insurance.

To receive the benefits of this life insurance you have to pay the monthly premiums. Pay the premium and activate your guaranteed life insurance.

Cost of the Final Expense Insurance with Alzheimer’s

Final expense insurance understands your needs and designs the cost according to them. Some prefer insurance that offers average coverage with minimum cost. However, some prefer it with the most benefits.

The cost of the life insurance depends on the policy you choose. It also depends on the level of coverage. For great coverage, you have to pay a higher premium. Typically, the cost of the insurance ranges from $30 to $200 per month.

Furthermore, the cost is different for males and females. For example, the cost for females over 65 is $50. Whereas, the cost for males over 65 is $68. And, for $20,000 the cost for females over 65 is $99. While for males, the cost is $130.

Final Expense Insurance

Final Expense Insurance Coverage

Final expense insurance is mainly made for funeral expenses. It helps your loved ones to cover the final expenses. In addition, it covers other expenses including: 

  • Medical bills
  • Hospice care
  • Residential care
  • Outstanding debts 
  • Transportation
  • Burial expenses 

After you die, final expense insurance provides death benefits to your family. With these benefits, a beneficiary can cover final and other expenses. It supports your family financially and gives you peace of mind. 

Again, the coverage level of the insurance depends on the policy type. If you have a simplified issue policy, you will be given temporary coverage. But if you have a guaranteed issue policy, it means you have permanent insurance with no end date.

Life Insurance Dementia Patients

One of the good things about final expense insurance is it does not include a medical exam. Regardless of your health status, it offers coverage. An individual with a medical condition can apply for final expense insurance.

Life insurance usually does not accept applicants with serious medical conditions. A medical test is taken by the applicant. If the test finds out the illness, you get rejected. Similarly, patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s usually are at high risk of death. 

However, the final insurance policy offers guaranteed coverage for such applicants. Even if you have dementia or Alzheimer’s, you are eligible for final expense insurance.

How to Get a Funeral Insurance with Dementia?

Finding funeral insurance for people with dementia can be challenging. Few policies offer life insurance for such people. Final expense insurance is one of them. Call it burial insurance dementia or funeral insurance Alzheimer’s, the goal is the same. This policy aims to cover your medical bills and even your prescription.

Burial insurance dementia can indeed cover your medical prescription too. A few drugs can be covered such as:

  • Reminly
  • Exelon
  • Cognex
  • Aricept
  • Donepezil
  • Namenda
  • Galantamine  

The coverage of the drugs depends on the insurance providers. Some insurers may include other drugs. Before choosing an insurer, you must check the insurer and their features like:

  • Rating 
  • Customer experience
  • Financial strength
  • Coverage level
  • Policy types 
  • Criteria 
  • Application process 
  • Medical exam

Best Final Expense Insurance Companies for Patients with Dementia

If you have dementia and want final expense insurance, you need to check the features of insurers. Check for their rating, financial strength, policy types and coverage level. It is essential to select a company that offers a guaranteed issue policy.

If you are facing trouble finding companies that offer guaranteed insurance, we are here to help. Check the list below to learn about the top guaranteed life insurance companies. 

  • Gerber Life 
  • AIG
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Great Western Insurance company 

All these insurance companies offer guaranteed insurance for applicants with dementia.

Bottom Line

Taking everything into account, final expense insurance is the best life insurance for patients with dementia. If you have dementia or Alzheimer’s, apply for a guaranteed insurance policy and give your family a secure future. It will cover medical expenses. It will also cover funeral and burial expenses. If you want to know about the best final expense insurance policies, go and check our website.

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Health Insurance
Can I apply for funeral insurance if I have dementia?

Yes, you can apply for funeral insurance even if you have dementia. Guaranteed final expense insurance accepts patients with dementia.

What benefits do final expense insurance provide to patients with Alzheimer’s?

Final expense insurance covers your medical expenses. It also covers your prescription. There are few drugs that final expense insurance covers. Funeral insurance also covers your end-of-life expenses.

What is the cost of the burial insurance dementia?

The cost of burial insurance for dementia depends on the gender and coverage level. The typical cost of the insurance ranges from $30 to $200.

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